
Kali is an interdisciplinary artwork about the importance of contrary forces. It is an allusion of William Blake’s work – The Marriage of Heaven and Hell. The word “Kali” is a Javanese word that means “river.”

Kali takes the structure and narrative from The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, and translate them into the story of the soul searching journey of two main characters Nara (Hell) and Jana (Heaven).

Kali involves dance, singing, live music, integrated with strong projected images.

Running times 75 minutes , no interval

” without contraries there is no progress “

William Blake


Kali is an interdisciplinary artwork about the importance of contrary forces. It is an allusion of William Blake’s work – The Marriage of Heaven and Hell. The word “Kali” is a Javanese word that means “river.”

Blake’s The Marriage of Heaven and Hell is a satirical and philosophical work that aims to target a common dualistic cosmology of good and evil. Blake argued that the conventional moral values (like Swedenborg’s idea) polarize the harmony vision simplistically into two direct segregated black and white ideas per se. As such, the conventional moral values will consider the one side (the good) is far more superior to the other (the bad), rather than an equally important as a unified vision; hence, the idea of unified vision was called a marriage.

As within simplistic dualistic approach the good (heaven) was consider far more superior, so the emphasize of conversations were seen more prevalent. According to Blake, this is not the case. So He offered different approach by visiting the contraries (hell) in order to get the same result (heaven). He then established 3 main sections within the work. Those sections are 1) The basic argument of the heaven and the importance of the devil voice 2) The Journey into Hell (Memorable Fancy) and 3) The Result (Songs of Liberty)

Kali takes those structure and narrative, and translate them into the journey of two main characters Nara (Hell) and Jana (Heaven). Audience will see their soul searching encompass passage from heaven, into hell, and end up by sailing down into the river of belief. The river (kali: Javanese) is the symbolism of the term “marriage” that William Blake talk about.


Jana: ” When can we see each other again? ”

Nara: ” We cannot. We belong to the two opposing sides of the river.”

