
The Meaning


Adalah sudah menjadi kewajaran apabila manusia mencari arti ketika berinteraksi dengan suatu fenomena, baik berupa fenomena visual, audio, ataupun kombinasi keduanya. “Ini artinya apa?” demikian mereka bertanya.

Pertanyaan itu timbul untuk memenuhi rasa ingin tahu yang timbul dari daya … Read the rest

The Local Content

I come up with the triangle shape ( ▲ ) for Kali – based on “gunungan” shape which is used in wayang (shadow puppet) in Java. Gunungan, literally means mountains, and symbolize the gateway to the palace or any places. Read the rest

Bambang N Karim

Director, Media Artist

Bambang N Karim is an Indonesian-born director/media artist who has worked with digital media for over 14 years. Bambang seeks to explore the boundaries of the digital medium and develop innovative way to integrate technology into performance … Read the rest

Agung Gunawan

Director of Movement, Principal Dancer

Born in 1971 in Klaten, Central Java. After graduating from the High School of Arts in Yogyakarta, he continued his studies of Yogyakartanese classical dance in Surya Kencana and at the Kraton (Palace) where he … Read the rest

Deasylina da Ary

Principal dancer, Choreographer

Born in Pacitan, East Java in 1981, Dessy learns to dance at his father studio, Pradapa Loka Bhakti since she was just 5 years old. She gets the formal education at the Department of Dramatic Arts, Dance … Read the rest

Johan Adiatma Bactiar

Director of Music

Johan, born in Pacitan, 1989 East Java, learn music since he was just 6 years old with the guidance from his father. He gets his formal education at Ethnomusicology, Faculty of Performance Art, Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta … Read the rest

Sopril Amir

Media Relation

A social media enthusiast, Sopril’s interest in media has started since He went to study communication in Social and Politic Science Faculty, University of Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta. Holding degree in communication, Sopril contributed several writings to the media … Read the rest

Cicilia Lusiani

Liaison Officer

Cicilia is currently working as civil servant at Dinas Perhubungan Komunikasi dan Informatika Kabupaten Sleman, Yogyakarta. She holds degree in communication in Social and Politic Science Faculty, University of Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta and also master degree in Electronic … Read the rest

Voluntary Group

Kali acknowledge the success of the show from the voluntary participation of:

1. Irvan Kristanto
2. Ratih Puspasari
3. Yunita Makarim
4. Eka Prihastana Putra… Read the rest